Spring Ahead to Prevent Pests

Spring is right around the corner – March 20, to be exact. Before we know it, we’ll enjoy warmer temperatures, more sunlight and… bugs? Say it ain’t so.

Some pests are active year-round, but many bugs overwinter indoors where they have easy access to food, water and a break from freezing temperatures. As bugs become more active, it’s important to make sure our homes and businesses are ready for spring and all that it entails.

Here are a few steps you can take to make sure your home or office is ready for spring and its pests.

Spring Clean
Bugs and other pests love to hide in clutter – so get rid of that stuff you aren’t using anymore! Pests think that cardboard boxes, old newspapers or magazines and old clothes are great to hide in and chew on. If you just can’t part with these things, consider getting plastic containers with lids so it is harder for bugs to get into them.

Clean the Kitchen
While you’re on your de-cluttering spree, be sure to clean out your kitchen or breakroom. Throw away old food and, if a food is stored in its original cardboard or plastic container, consider storing it in an airtight container instead. This goes for your pet’s food, too! 

Stop the Drip
How are your pipes doing? Give them a once-over this spring and make sure you don’t have any leaks. Pests are attracted to an easy source of water, so fix leaks and get rid of any standing water.

Close the Door
You likely have many little cracks, tears or gaps in and around your home or office. Seal them up and you’ll essentially close the door to pests. Be sure to check your window screens for tears.

Call Ark!
Ark Pest Control & Prevention is your best bet to stay pest-free this spring. Contact us for inspections, maintenance programs and more.
